To read Excerpts from this novel,
click on That Summer in Franklin
For the press release for this novel, click on Press Release
To read excerpt from this novel, click on cover above
- A Certain Singing Teacher, Two-act Play, (Unpublished Playscript - Premiere Performance by VOS Theatre, Cobourg in 2017)
- "Agnes" (Monologue Playscript) in Going it Alone, Plays by Women for Solo Performers, Nuage Editions 1997 (
- Wolfcall, One-act Play, (Unpublished Playscript - workshopped at Solar Stage, Toronto in 1993
For Excerpts from "A Certain Singing Teacher" and "Wolfcall", click on Plays & Drama
- "On Amusing Ourselves to Death" in The Local Lot Anthology V, December 2011
- "Who Do You Think You Are ?" in The Local Lot Anthology V, December 2011
- "Falling Into Light" in The Local Lot Anthology V, December 2011
- "Falling into Light" in Northumberland Today March 2011
- "March Morning Pond" in The Local Lot Anthology IV, December 2010
- "On entering my Seventieth Year" in The Local Lot Anthology IV, December 2010
- "Conversation with my Twenty-year-old Cat" in The Local Lot Anthology IV, December 2010
- "Pantoum for Mr. Harper" in The Local Lot Anthology IV, December 2010
- "Lady of the Night", Northumberland Today, September 2010
- "A Pantoum for Mr. Harper", Northumberland Today, March 2010
- "Snow Walk" in poetry'zown, Vellum G tISSUE 3 November 2009
- "On This Prairie" in poetry'zown Vellum O tISSUE 9 October 2009
- "The Calf in Hidden Valley" in lichen, Spring 2000
- "Connections" in Seeds Poetry Anthology #2, Spring 2000
- "Miss Cannom's Chili Sauce"in Seeds Poetry Anthology #2, Spring 2000
- "The Grief House" in The Danforth Review(, August 1999
- "Fort San Giants" in The Prairie Journal of Canadian Literature, Summer 1999
- "She Dreamed the Prairie" in Quarry Magazine, Fall 1992
- "Descent to Saskatoon" in Freelance, September 1991
- "Dementia Days" in Grain, 1991
To read sample poems, click on Poems
- FreeFall, May 2008, "One Friday Night"
- On-line Magazine, 2001, Excerpt from novel That Summer in Franklin
- The Litwit Review, Winter 2000, "For Once in Your Life"
- The Prairie Journal of Canadian Literature, 1997, "Once Upon a Lightbulb"
- Great Canadian Murder & Mystery Stories, "Wolf", Quarry Press, 1991
To read Linda's Award-winning Short-Story, click on "One Friday Night"
For more detail on Linda's entire writing and professional experience, see her Curriculum Vitae