Adult Workshop A: Writing as a Profession
Fee: $200 per session plus .35 KM mileage
This 1½ hour [2 x 3/4 hour sessions] workshop includes:
- biographical information given by author
- when writing career began,
- books published,
- works completed
- works‑in‑ progress
- selected readings from short fiction, poetry or plays
- the creative process:
- idea to first draft,
- rewriting ad nauseam,
- final draft to acceptance
- the publishing process:
- MS acceptance
- editor changes requests
- rewrite to included change requests
- editor review of changed MS
- repeat last two steps as required
- editor acceptance
- copy editor review with corrections
- finished product to printer
- proof copy by printer
- the business side of writing:
- learning to live with rejections,
- surviving financially
- writing your own promotion,
- giving readings and workshops,
- questions and general discussion
Adult Workshop B: Adults Writing for Children
Fee: $200 per session plus .35 KM mileage
This1½ hour workshop [2 x 3/4 hour sessions] covers:
- biographical information given by author
- when writing career began,
- books published,
- works completed
- works‑in‑ progress
- short readings from authors's published works for children
- the creative process for writing for children:
- idea to first draft,
- researching the market for age range and suitability,
- rewriting and rewriting,
- final draft to acceptance
- writing plays/TV scripts : adapting a story to dramatic form
- the business side of writing:
- learning to live with rejections,
- surviving financially
- writing your own promotion,
- giving readings and workshops,
- questions and general discussion
Student Writing Workshops for Schools
Workshop C1 = one 1 to 1+1/2 hour session
Fee: $200 plus .35 KM mileage
- a student introduction to writing stories, novels, poetry and plays
- notes and reference list
- lecture on writing
- discussion
- questions
Workshop C2 = two 1 hr. to 1+1/2 hr. sessions
Fee: $400 plus .35 KM mileage
First session :
- introduce students to the writing of stories, novels, poetry and plays
- notes and reference list
- lecture on writing process
- discussion
- questions
Second Session :
- writing session on one of stories, novels, poetry or plays
- appraisal and discussion session
Adult Workshop D : Demonstration of Student Writing Workshops [C1 + C2]
( Suitable for Teacher's Professional Development Days )
Fee: $300 plus .35 KM mileage
This workshop is available for Poetry, Prose or Play writing Student Workshops for Children :
- handouts : outlines for both workshops
- demonstration of
- half-day [C1] workshop
- full-day [C2] workshop
- review of ways to use Workshops in the classroom
- discussion with teachers n use in the classroom
- reference list handout